This was a group project with Pietari Nurmi and Guo Xingze as part of the Interaction Design course at Aalto University.

<aside> ⌛ 6 weeks


<aside> 📅 2019


<aside> 🔖 - UI / UX Design


<aside> 📍 The application was designed to aid power users navigate the digital complexity of today's workspaces that span several applications; and provide relevant notifications that can streamline their workflow. Using Figma and basic front end coding, we were able to design an MVP and validate the concept through user testing.


The Problem

Increased digital complexity

There is a huge plethora of applications and programs available today to help us achieve our personal and professional tasks. Each individual has their own preferences, but there is a mulititude of digital platforms such as email, Excel, Word, Photoshop, Quicken etc. across which they must work.

Even within a particular set of tasks such as communication, there are several platforms such from email to Slack to Whatsapp across which an average user must communicate with their team.

This digital complexity of multiple workspaces was one we wanted to navigate, and aid our users by reducing their mental workload.

Image credits: Apple Insider

Image credits: Apple Insider

The Brief

Designing an application that would provide relevant notifications for the digital context of the users workspace.

The concept sketch below ****illustrates an application that provided relevant notifications from the users to-do list, depending on their digital context. This meant that they would get a reminder of the emails they had to send when they were on the Mail application, reminders of spreadsheets they had to create when they were on Excel and so on.

The Solution

Our solution was to provide relevant notifications to the user in the least invasive way possible, without interrupting their workflow. Through some prototypes, this meant designing an overlay application that would update itself according to the program the user works on.

Navigation chart of the Application

The application would primarily function across three states; a dormant rest state, an indicative hover state and an informative active state. This would allow maximum functionality at the user's choice of time with minimal intrusion.